A jury awarded $1.5 million to a woman who was injured when an LAPD officer shot her with a projectile amid the Lakers 2020 championship celebration.
A federal jury has awarded $1.5 million to a woman who suffered a brain injury two years ago when a Los Angeles police officer shot her
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Despite its relative youth, this sweet treat has been making a splash, enticing British royals and American grandmothers for over two centuries. We are talking, of course, about butterscotch. Often associated with those glass cand
The bill is one of the more substantial changes to the state’s container deposit systems in recent years, and proponents say the state has long needed to invest more funds in the program.
The bill adds wine and distilled spirits to the state’s container deposit system startin
When the weather starts to cool and the holidays draw nearer, dinner parties and cozy nights with bottles of wine to keep us warm becomes a welcoming norm. Unfortunately, while folks enjoy the wine, the bottles will be left behind to serve as a reminder of these eventful nights. Wine bottles a
Sun and clouds mixed. High 62F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph..
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 37F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph.
Since April of this year, many McKean County residents have been participating in the glass manufacturing circular economy in a s
October 14, 2022 | ACTIVE LIFE | By Alanna Jackson | Photo by Adrian Larkspur
I met my friend Adrian Larkspur ’23 during our gyro-infused and surprise hiking-ridden block abroad in Greece. Ever since then, one thing has stuck out about them: their unconditional love for their home. Lar
Olivia is Baralan’s line composed of glass bottles
With its particular cylindrical and rounded shape, Olivia is Baralan’s line composed of glass bottles perfect for those who are in search for a delicate yet sophisticated packaging.
Its minimal and contemporary design is the sy
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What would a new Beekeeping Bylaw mean
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Bottle shops are offering wine tastings, masterclasses and turning into bars to compete with online alcohol retailers and declining rates of drinking.
Large retailers are al